Column: An experience with the Nez Perce Tribe's fishery

"Last week I toured some of the essential fishery sites on the Lostine River with my fishing poet friend Cameron, quick before the river goes through its spring flush of mountain snow melt.

The first stop was the Nez Perce tribe’s million dollar weir that traps adult Chinook salmon returning to the upper reaches of the Lostine River where they will eventually spawn.

The new fish trap replaced one that had existed for a long time, upstream from the confluence of the Wallowa and Lostine rivers. Fish are trapped, measured, and “worked up” by biologists before being returned to their native waters. "

Get the Story:
Katy Nesbitt: Experiencing Lostine fisheries (The La Grande Observer 4/12)

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Lamprey homecoming (The La Grande Observer 4/12)

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