Opinion: 'No coincidence' in Echo Hawk's Mormon position

"Idahoans of all persuasions, political as well as religious, should congratulate their former attorney general on his call to serve as a general authority and a member of the LDS Church’s First Quorum of the Seventy. It is an honor long overdue.

While Elder EchoHawk is fully deserving, the timing has to be noted for it is “no coincidence.”

It does not take a rocket scientist, let alone a political scientist, to figure out the authorities running the LDS Church are positively giddy with the prospect of one of their own, Mitt Romney, being a major party nominee for president.

If there is anyone among the political cognoscenti who think Church authorities would have liked seeing EchoHawk out on the campaign trail mobilizing the Native American vote against Romney as well as speaking out to the entire electorate, see me about some hot lottery tickets to last week’s jackpot.

So, EchoHawk gets an overdue “call,” and is out of D.C. and back to Orem where he and his wife have their home. This not so subtle move should invite additional questions regarding just how involved Church authorities are in Governor Romney’s campaign."

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Chris Carlson: Elder Larry EchoHawk (Ridenbaugh Press 4/3)

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