Ute Tribe of Utah is the latest to reach a trust fund settlement with the federal government.
The tribe filed a lawsuit in 2005 to seek an accounting of its trust funds and trust assets. Negotiations with the Obama administration led to a deal, whose dollar figure wasn't disclosed.
“The Business Committee recognizes and very much appreciates the efforts of this administration to settle this case, which will benefit the nearly 3200 members of the Ute Indian Tribe," Chairwoman Irene Cuch said in a press release.
“This settlement represents a strong commitment on the part of the United States to acknowledge and fulfill its trust responsibilities, and I believe time will show that the historical settlements of these tribal trust fund cases will serve to strengthen and improve the government to government relationship between the United States and Native American Tribes, to foster an improved partnership built on mutual respect and better communication between the United States and the tribe," Cuch added.
The Obama administration has negotiated with several dozen tribes to settle their lawsuits.
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Press Release: The Ute Indian Tribe and the United States Department of Justice Settle Trust Lawsuit
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