KCAW: Sitka Tribe signs agreement to manage sacred sites

"The Sitka Tribe of Alaska has reached a deal to manage sacred sites near Sitka. Five of the sites are already owned by Sealaska Corporation. And the deal for tribal management is one of a series of agreements signed or in negotiation throughout Southeast Alaska.

The deal covers six locations around Sitka, including village sites at Sealion Cove, Krugloi Point, Hoonah Sound and Point Craven. It also covers petroglyphs in Sinitsin Cove and Sitkoh Creek.

Those five sites already belong to the Native corporation. The sixth location is at Redoubt Falls. Acreage there has been selected by Sealaska, but is still in the conveyance process. The agreement won’t apply to that site until the land is conveyed. It’s effective immediately for the other five."

Get the Story:
Sitka Tribe, Sealaska reach deal on sacred sites (KCAW 4/2)

Southeast Alaska Native Land Entitlement Finalization and Jobs Protection Act:
S.730 | H.R.1408

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