Fake 'Apache' from UK tried to move to a reservation in US

A man from the United Kingdom who goes by the name of an Apache chief once tried to move to the U.S. and live on a reservation, The Daily Mail reports.

The 60-year-old man, who calls himself Mangas Coloradas, said he tried to move to the US in 1997 but was denied. He ended up living in a teepee in Spain.

"I have the motto Hóka-héy, which means it is a good day to die," the man told The Daily Mail. "I live everyday like it could be my last for we are only on this world for a short time."

The man, who has six children, has been charged with violating wildlife laws in the UK. Badger paws and eagle wings were found in his home.

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Welshman who lives as Apache Indian on trial in Swansea after animal parts found in home (he says they're part of his lifestyle, the police have reservations) (The Daily Mail 3/29)

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