Opinion: Mining company broke its promises to Wisconsin

"Gogebic Taconite’s abrupt decision this week to pull the plug on its proposed mining project in Northern Wisconsin has created political controversy that will likely lead to many months of political finger pointing. In the heat of this debate, it is important we do not lose sight of what we learned from the company’s decision: It never had any intention to mine responsibly in Wisconsin.

Instead, the company tried to change our laws so it could profit by taking shortcuts and risks that are unacceptable to Wisconsin residents. When it was unsuccessful in eliminating environmental protections, it called it quits.

Time after time, Gogebic Taconite gave Wisconsin residents reason not to trust the company, with executives saying one thing, but doing another."

Get the Story:
Mark Redsten: Company Never Intended Responsible Mining (The Ashland Current 3/10)

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