Sue Masten: Raising the next generation of women warriors

"Each year, International Women’s Day is celebrated around the world on March 8. Thousands of events take place worldwide to mark the economic, political and social achievements of women. I’m inspired by this year’s theme, “Connecting Girls, Inspiring Futures” because it’s what we as Native peoples strive to do each day.

Our survival has always depended on the health and well being of future generations. Our collective investment in the girls and women of our Indian nations ensures that we not only survive, but thrive.

We honor women and girls as the sacred ones who bring life, who raise our next generations and who create visions for better nations. These are traits that must be encouraged, supported and uplifted, in honor of the vision that our ancestors had for us. They wanted us to advocate on our own behalf, to represent ourselves with dignity and pride, and to be free to carry on our traditions and ways.

They wanted us to raise warriors."

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Susan Masten: International Women’s Day: In Honor of Our Next Women Warriors (Indian Country Today 3/8)

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