Obama proposes another increase for IHS budget in FY2013

The Indian Health Service will see another boost in its budget under the fiscal year 2013 budget proposal that President Barack Obama released today.

According to the White House Office of Management and Budget, the IHS will be funded at $4.422 billion. That's an increase from the $4.307 billion estimate for fiscal year 2012.

It's also an increase from the $4.069 billion that the IHS saw in fiscal year 2011. When other spending is added, the agency will receive what appears to be a record $5.5 billion under Obama's request.

"The budget includes $5.5 billion for the Indian Health Service (IHS) to strengthen federal, tribal, and urban programs that serve two million [American Indians and Alaska Natives] at over 650 facilities in 35 states," the OMB wrote.

According to the document, the budget provides increases for contract health services. These are funds that the IHS uses to purchase care at outside facilities.

The OMB also said the budget will increase funds for construction of new hospitals and clinics and to staff new facilities. Documents can be found at www.whitehouse.gov/omb/budget

More details about the HHS budget will be provided at 2pm today during a webcast on the HHS website.

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