Navajo Nation president thanks Rep. Giffords for her service

Navajo Nation President Ben Shelly thanked Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-Arizona), who is resigning from Congress, for her service to the Navajo Nation.

“The Navajo People wish to express their appreciation to Congresswoman Giffords for her work on our behalf. In her representation of the 8th Congressional District of Arizona she advocated tirelessly for Native American Veterans and for the advancement of the Indian Health Care Improvement Act, touching the lives of many of our Navajo people," Shelly said.

The 8th Congressional District includes parts of the Navajo Nation. During the 111th Congress, Giffords co-sponsored a bill to lift the Bennett Freeze, which the tribe supported.

“While I served as Vice President of the Navajo Nation I was fortunate to get to meet with Gabby and work collaboratively with her on health care issues. I always have admired her work ethic, her dedication to her constituents, and her tenacity. It is this very tenacity that has been exhibited in her miraculous recovery," Shelly added.

“I join the people of this great Nation in saying thank you and ahe’hee for your work and I know that this will not be the end to your public service. I wish the family of Congresswoman Giffords strength during this continued time of recovery and extend prayers and well wishes on behalf of the Navajo people," Shelly concluded.

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