Newt Gingrich wins Republican primary vote in South Carolina

Former House speaker Newt Gingrich won the Republican primary in South Carolina on Saturday, easily defeating Mitt Romney, who has been considered the front-runner in the race.

Romney, a former governor of Massachusetts, won the GOP primary in New Hampshire and had been reported as the winner of the caucuses in Iowa earlier this month. But a recount there put former senator Rick Santorum on top instead.

With Gingrich, Romney and Santorum each counting a win, attention turns to the primary in Florida on January 31. Congressman Ron Paul of Texas remains in the race but Texas Gov. Rick Perry dropped out and endorsed Gingrich prior to the South Carolina vote.

Get the Story:
In Florida, Romney takes aim at resurgent Gingrich (The Washington Post 1/23)
Gingrich and Romney Trade Jabs as G.O.P. Race Rolls On (The New York Times 1/23)

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