Opinion: Quileute Tribe separates fact from 'Twilight' fiction

"Finally, the little Indian tribe turned into werewolves by the blockbuster Twilight series is basking in a more positive spotlight, thanks to the Smithsonian. A new exhibition sorts out truth from fiction in the important roles wolves play among the Quileute people along the Pacific coast.

For decades, as a journalist specializing in reporting on religious diversity, I have written about the often thorny problems that arise when America's popular culture tries to appropriate Indian spirituality.

20 years ago, for example, I reported on an unintended national controversy that arose when United Methodists tried to adopt and Christianize the traditional Native American Green Corn Ceremony. The original intention by the denomination was to honor America's first spiritual traditions by including a Green Corn Ceremony in its new Book of Worship. But, the idea eventually was scrapped with apologies. While many Indians are Christian today, most Indians don't want non-Indians trying to transform their sacred traditions into new forms."

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David Crumm: Twilight & Smithsonian Exhibit: Wolves? Yes. Werewolves? No. (The Huffington Post 1/18)

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