CNET: Indian Country opens door to renewable energy projects

"American Indian tribes see renewable energy as a way to capitalize on their natural resources.

The Department of Energy last week proposed a rule that would speed up decisions regarding land used for renewable energy projects, many of which have been derailed by bureaucracy. The rule would require decisions within a 60-day limit for business-related leases, such as developing solar and wind projects on Indian land.

"It will require the government to act," said Interior Secretary Ken Salazar last Monday, according to reports. "The government cannot sit on its hands, as it has often done."

Indian lands have significant resources, including solar and wind, but little has been developed, according to the National Congress of American Indians. "We're ready to strengthen our economies now and jumpstart the clean energy economy in Indian Country. This is something the entire country can get behind," said NCAI president Jefferson Keel in a statement."

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