House Natural Resources Committee markup on 3 Indian bills

The House Natural Resources Committee is holding a markup today on several bills.

Three Indian bills are on the agenda. They are:
H.R.205, the HEARTH Act. The bill cuts the Bureau of Indian Affairs out of the process for certain housing leases.
H.R.2362, the Indian Tribal Trade and Investment Demonstration Project Act. The bill facilitates trade with the Republic of Turkey by cutting out the BIA out of the process for certain business leases.
H.R.2938, the Gila Bend Indian Reservation Lands Replacement Clarification Act. The bill bars the Tohono O'odham Nation of Arizona from opening an off-reservation casino.

The markup takes place at 10am and is being broadcast on the Internet.

Committee Notice:
Full Committee Markup on H.R. 200, H.R. 205, H.R. 1545, H.R. 2027, H.R. 2070, H.R. 2087, H.R. 2454, H.R. 2236, H.R. 2336, H.R. 2362, H.R. 2606, H.R. 2719, H.R. 2834, H.R. 2938, H.R. 3117, H.R. 3404 and S. 535 (November 17, 2011)

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