Seneca Nation leader disputes removal from executive job

Seneca Nation President Robert Odawi Porter was ousted from his post as chief executive officer in an ongoing dispute with the tribal council.

The tribal council voted 10-6 on Saturday to remove Porter. But he issued a statement on Sunday that said the tribe's clerk determined the move was illegal.

Michael John, who sits on the council, was appointed CEO. Although Porter remains president, John claims he has the authority to represent the tribe.

"Since Rob Porter took office he has created an environment of secrecy between his office and that of Tribal Council leadership," John said in a statement, The Buffalo News reported "He has consistently built layers of bureaucracy between these two governing branches to undermine the authority granted the Tribal Council by the Seneca Nation Constitution."

"Today's effort is part of a concerted effort by a handful of self-interested politicians to hold on to the reins of power in our national government in the face of positive change begun last fall," Porter said in response.

Get the Story:
Power Struggle for Control of Seneca Nation (WNED 11/13)
Seneca councillors oust Porter as CEO (The Buffalo News 11/14)

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