White House Blog: DOJ hosts Native Heritage Month event

"This week the Department of Justice held a special event in the Great Hall commemorating National Native American Heritage Month. Each November, the department honors the cultural traditions, contributions and history of America’s indigenous peoples in honor of their many sacrifices and contributions to our nation’s well-being.

The theme for the department’s commemoration was “Indians and the Law: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow.” During the commemoration, Deputy Attorney General James M. Cole and Associate Attorney General Thomas J. Perrelli delivered special remarks. Deputy Attorney General Cole spoke about the department’s enduring promise to support and safeguard tribal communities and enhance tribal justice.

“As we honor American Indian and Alaska Native Heritage month, we work to build on our continued progress strengthening tribal law enforcement. We work to enhance our ability to prosecute crimes in Indian Country, and we work to reinforce a strong government-to-government relationship.”"

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Tracy Russo: Celebrating American Indian and Alaska Native Heritage Month (White House Blog 11/9)

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