"These living conditions are a living nightmare: a bathtub falls through a rotting floor; exposed electrical wiring; leaky roofs; extensive mold that gets painted over. But those pale to a jurisdictional nightmare when no one in government -- any government -- wants to step up and take responsibility.
Several Yakima Herald-Republic stories have detailed problems at a trailer park south of White Swan, and no one involved disputes the travails of the trailer residents. The problem lies in who is responsible for repairs and which government entity should ensure that they are up to code.
The park, occupied mostly by Yakama tribal members, lies within the Yakama reservation but on nontribal land owned by a non-Indian, Tim Jewett. Officials from Indian Health Service, a federal agency, said at least two trailers were unlivable and in violation of electrical and "life safety" codes, but said the agency had no enforcement authority."
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Government must do its job at trailer park
(The Yakima Herald-Republic 11/14)
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