"Doyu ulihelisdodi agiwonihisdi hi gvnigesv igvndii.
This Fall season has been a busy one, offering much opportunity to sit down with the Deputy Officers of the Eastern Band and plan for the next four years. I am very excited about the direction this Tribe is headed and with your help I know we can accomplish great things.
The past month has been busy with Annual Council and Budget hearings. Every year Tribal Council meets with finance staff and each program to go over their annual budget. As always Tribal Council and our Finance Department work very hard to balance the Tribal budget, ensuring that the EBCI is being fiscally responsible while maintaining our employee base and our tribal services. I would like to thank our Finance Department for their diligence and scrutiny while preparing our Tribal Budget."
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Chief’s Community Report – Nov. 3
(The Cherokee One Feather 11/1)
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