Chase Iron Eyes: Occupy Wall Street spreads across the nation

"I hope we have all been following the Occupy Wall Street (OWS) action that is unfolding before us. Why are they protesting? Hopefully OWS is not only due to the rich-poor gap -although, that is reason enough. The main-stream media is describing this movement as having no discernable organization or purpose. Protesters are simply making statements against corporate greed.

I did not think that this movement would catch a fire in New York, let alone spread to other cities in America. I am very happy there are Americans who are “still alive.” OWS seems truly spontaneous at this point. Who sent out the first call to, and to whom? What were the purposes? Where is the manifesto? The movement gained momentum even without main-stream attention. The revolution will not be televised. That saying has become a cliché; revolution and activism have been made fashionable. Yet, this is more than that.

It seems obvious that this movement is a response to the state of the American economy and the obscene inequities of Western capitalism."

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Chase Iron Eyes: Why Are They Occupying Wall Street? (Indian Country Today 10/6)

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