Alaska Natives ask 9th Circuit to block off-shore drilling plans

Alaska Natives joined environmental organizations in asking the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals to overturn the Obama administration's approval of off-shore drilling.

The Native Village of Point Hope and REDOIL are among the plaintiffs who say the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Regulation, and Enforcement approved drilling without addressing the chances of an oil spill. They say Shell Oil doesn't have plans to clean up the Arctic Ocean

“Approving Shell drilling in the Beaufort Sea is irresponsible and risks disaster. We have a right to life, to physical integrity, to security, and the right to enjoy the benefits of our culture. For this, we will fight, and this is why we have gone to court today. Our culture can never be bought or repaired with money. It is priceless,” Caroline Cannon, th e president of the Native Village of Point Hope, said in a press release.

Shell plans to drill drill up to three exploratory wells in the Chukchi Sea and two in the Beaufort Sea next year.

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Groups sue to block Arctic offshore drilling (AP 9/29)

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