Shoshone Paiute Tribes challenge decision on land consolidation
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
The Shoshone Paiute Tribes are appealing a decision that bars them from consolidating land for economic development.
The Bureau of Indian Affairs approved the transfer of 26 acres of an 80-acre allotment to the tribe. But an administrative law judge at the Interior Department rescinded an agreement between the tribe and the heirs of the woman who was issued the allotment.
The land is off a major interstate near Boise, Idaho. Tribal officials say development there will its members on help the reservation.
"Without it, our medical service will continue to deteriorate, our children will have dangerous facilities, our veterans will not be honored, and our seniors will not have the care we want to give,” Chairman Terry Gibson told The Idaho Statesman.
The tribes and the heirs of Wallace Bruce Ogg, who was reportedly Wyandotte, have asked the Interior Board of Indian Appeals to reinstate their agreement.
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Shoshone-Paiutes appeal land swap ruling
(The Idaho Statesman 9/27)
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