Subcommittee on Indian and Alaska Native Affairs sets hearing

The House Subcommittee on Indian and Alaska Native Affairs will hold a hearing next Thursday, September 22.

Five bills are on the agenda. They are:
H.R. 443, to provide for the conveyance of certain property from the United States to the Maniilaq Association located in Kotzebue, Alaska.
H.R. 444, to provide for the conveyance of certain property located in Anchorage, Alaska, from the United States to the Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium.
H.R. 1461, to authorize the Mescalero Apache Tribe to lease adjudicated water rights.
H.R. 1556, to amend the Omnibus Indian Advancement Act to allow certain land to be used to generate income to provide funding for academic programs, and for other purposes.
H.R. 2444, to amend the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act to provide further self-governance by Indian tribes, and for other purposes.

The hearing will take place at 2pm in Room 1324 of the Longworth House Office Building.

Committee Notice:
Subcommittee on Indian and Alaska Native Affairs Legislative Hearings on H.R. 443, H.R. 444, H.R. 1461, H.R. 1556, and H.R. 2444 (September 22, 2011)

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