Boy's shooting death on Alberta reserve shocks First Nations

The drive-by shooting of a five-year-old boy on the Samson Cree First Nation in Alberta is sending shock waves across Canada.

An autopsy confirmed that Ethan Yellowbird, the grandson of Chief Marvin Yellowbird, was killed by a gunshot wound to the head. His death is drawing attention to high crime rates and gang violence on many First Nations.

“We have to demonstrate the leadership and show the courage that is needed to say, ‘No more,'" Assembly of First Nations National Chief Shawn Atleo said on Tuesday as Native leaders met in New Brunswick for their annual meeting.

In April 2008, Asia Saddleback was critically injured in a drive-by shooting on the reserve. She was two years old at the time.

Preston Thom, 15, was shot and killed on December 24, 2010. His grandfather said crime is getting worse on the reserve.

"The cops have got to do their job. Since around last Christmastime, more's been happening here," Thorn told The Edmonton Journal.

So far, no one has been arrested in connection with Ethan Yellowbird's death.

Get the Story:
Hobbema elder calls for end to code of silence (CBC 7/12)
Little boy died from gunshot wound to the head (CTV 7/12)
Shawn Atleo, National Chief, Says 'No More' To Boy's Shooting Death On Alberta Reserve (CP 7/12)
Native reserve feeling ‘shock and grief’ after death of five-year-old boy (The Daily Globe and Mail 7/13)
Gang retaliation fueling crime, say police (The Edmonton Sun 7/13)
Five-year-old shot in head, autopsy finds (The Edmonton Journal 7/13)
Hobbema shooting doesn’t surprise many reserve residents (The Edmonton Journal 7/13)
Hobbema shooting death hits close to home (The Lethbridge Herald 7/13)

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