Column: Witness recalls the AIM occupation at Wounded Knee

"The image of two U.S. senators crossing a demilitarized zone with a white flag hanging out of the window of their car is not one you see every day.

But that's where former South Dakota Sens. James Abourezk and George McGovern were almost 40 years ago as they headed into the besieged village of Wounded Knee.

American Indian Movement members had taken over the historic spot in February 1973 in protest of Native Americans' condition and treatment, and amid civil unrest between AIM and Pine Ridge tribal leaders.

Abourezk and McGovern were sent in to try to break the siege, which included almost daily gunfights between the occupiers and federal forces surrounding the desolate spot on the Pine Ridge reservation.

Federal agents who let the senators through the perimeter told them they were on their own from that point."

Get the Story:
Chuck Raasch: Wounded Knee tale underscores power of witnesses (The Sioux Falls Argus Leader 6/27)

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