United Keetoowah Band hosts celebration for land-into-trust

The United Keetoowah Band of Cherokee Indians of Oklahoma will celebrate approval of its land-into-trust application this Saturday.

The Bureau of Indian Affairs approved the tribe's application for 76 acres. It's a first in the tribe's history.

“The traditional Cherokees, the United Keetoowah Band have been around a long time," Sammy Still, the tribe's media director and public information officer, said in a press release.

The celebration takes place at 6pm in Tahlequah. For more information, call (918) 431-1818.

Get the Story:
UKB to host celebration on Saturday (The Muskogee Phoenix 6/21)

Relevant Documents:
May 24, 2011, Decision | September 10, 2010, Decision

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