A group of non-Indians held a protest at the courthouse in RIverside County, California, to draw attention to their gripes with tribes.
Lloyd Fields wants to develop 41 acres he owns for housing. The only way to get to his property is through the
Morongo Reservation and he says the tribe is holding him hostage.
“It’s time to expose this land-grab and give due consideration to non-Indian property owners,’’ Fields said at the protest, The Palm Springs Desert Sun reported.
Other non-Indian protesters are upset about they way they have been treated by the
Colorado River Indian Tribes, whose reservation spans California and Arizona.
The federal courts have upheld the tribe's authority over non-Indian residents and leaseholders on the reservation.
Get the Story:
Residents fighting tribes hold rally
(The Riverside Press-Enterprise 6/17)
Protesters accuse tribes of 'Modern-day Western land grab' (The Palm Springs Desert Sun 6/17)
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