Tiffany Smalley, a member of the
Aquinnah Wampanoag Tribe of Massachusetts, made history when she graduated from
Harvard College on Thursday.
Smalley is the first Wampanoag to receive an undergraduate degree from Harvard since 1665. She received a bachelor’s degree in government and a minor in ethnic studies.
Smalley also accepted a diploma for Joel Iacoomes, who was due to graduate from Harvard in 1665 before he died in a shipwreck.
Caleb Cheeshateaumuck, another Wampanoag, graduated that year.
"With the granting of Joel’s posthumous degree I think it’s a huge 180,” Smalley told The Martha's Vineyard Gazette.. “Within the past year especially, I’ve seen a lot of initiative on the part of the university to really celebrate this history.”
Tribal leaders, tribal members and two Wampanoags who received graduate degrees from Harvard attended yesterday's ceremony.
Get the Story:
Tiffany Smalley Makes History For Wampanoag Tribe, Harvar
(The Martha's Vineyard Gazette 5/27)
Wampanoag History Comes Full Circle At Harvard Commencement (WBUR 5/26)
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