"In the 1960s and '70s, Lee Tiger performed with Steve Winwood, the Allman Brothers and other rock legends.
Tiger says he was able to avoid the hard drugs that destroyed so many other musicians of the era, although he admits he was no angel, and remains in good health as he enters his 60s.
These days, as he records the next CD for Tiger Tiger Miccosukee Indian Rock Band, his health concerns are as much cultural as they are age-related. Many members of his tribe, especially older ones, suffer through diabetes and other dietary issues that he says started while adapting from the "supermarket" of the Everglades to "city" food.
To maintain his health, Tiger avoids junk food and works out five days a week.
Why do you keep fit?
It's healthy. A lot of our families in the Miccosukee Tribe have had problems with diabetes after we lived in the Everglades 60 years ago and got food from nature. We had no obesity whatsoever. We were trim the way we were supposed to. That's a cultural thing. But also, myself and my brother began performing [rock music] many years ago, so we wanted to look the best we could. My weight of 170 feels good. I think my girlfriends like that better."
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Rocker Lee Tiger says Miccosukees' move from Everglades changed their diet
(The South Florida Sun-Sentinel 5/27)
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