Paper running five-part series about Navajo Nation markets

The Farmington Daily Times is running a five-part series on the Navajo Nation and its role in the global economy.

The first article looked at Navajo Agricultural Products Industry, a tribal enterprise based in New Mexico. The business has contracts with companies in Brazil, Japan and Mexico.

"We're competing with our contracts internationally today," CEO Tsosie Lewis told the paper.

The second article looks at Navajo artisans whose work is recognized around the world. But fake goods produced in Mexico, China and in other places degrade the market.

"Yeah, it's turquoise, but its color is the only thing that's turquoise," George Francis, a metalsmith and manager of a gift shop, told the paper of imitation turquoise from Asia.

Based on membership and land base, the tribe is the largest in the U.S.

Get the Story:
Appropriated arts: Second in a five-part series about the Navajo (The Farmington Daily Times 5/9)
New markets: The first in a five-part series about the Navajo (The Farmington Daily Times 5/8)

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