Marcus Levings: Set the record straight on tribal spending

"Please accept my formal response to the Tribune story published April 9 to set the record straight regarding the transition team report as produced by the election campaign supporters of the Tex Hall administration.

The question that I was asked in the interview on April 8 was regrading the $400,000 travel expenses that the tribal chairman's office reportedly spent during the last four years of the Levings administration. I simply responded that the transition team report did not mention that amount also included my former chairman's staff. What was printed in the news story was not the questioned amount of $400,000. The story printed $1.4 million which was not mentioned in the interview.

In a followup since the news story, the travel amount as recorded by the chief financial officer of the Three Affiliated Tribes, Whitney Bell, verified that the travel amount is around $250,000 for the chairman's travel for the last four years."

Get the Story:
Marcus Levings: Setting travel records straight (The Bismarck Tribune 4/27)

Earlier Story:
Tribal report causes flare up on council (The Bismarck Tribune 4/9)

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