Editorial: Singling out Oneida Nation for budget provision

"When state Rep. Jim Steineke introduced a bill recently that would strip the Thornberry Creek golf course of its state-issued liquor license, we were skeptical.

It's not that we think he is out of line. We simply wondered why he targeted this license — passed as part of the 2009-11 state budget — when other policy items also were approved in the same bill. Why go after one item and not the rest?

Steineke, R-Vandenbroek, is proposing legislation to repeal a provision that allows the Oneida Tribe of Indians to obtain a Class B liquor permit from the state for the golf course it owns on land within the village of Hobart. The state license would expire at the end of this budget cycle, requiring the tribe to seek a permit from the Hobart. Steineke has said the tribe circumvented a Hobart village ordinance when the provision was tucked into the bill at the last minute and approved, and that nonfiscal items have no place in the state budget."

Get the Story:
Editorial: Repealing policies should be consistent (The Green Bay Press Gazette 4/24)

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