Quileute Tribe cites tsunami threat in bid for land transfer

The leader of the Quileute Tribe of Washington told the Senate Indian Affairs Committee that her people live in constant fear of a tsunami.

Tribal members deal with flooding every winter. With only one road in and out of the reservation, a tsunami would make conditions even worse.

“Thank you for allowing me to speak about how our children and elders could be killed in a tsunami unless we can move our village to higher ground,” Chairwoman Bonita Cleveland testified.

Cleveland asked the committee to support of S. 636. The bill transfers 772 acres within Olympic National Park to the tribe in order to move reservation residents out of danger.

The Obama administration supports the bill.

Get the Story:
Quileute tribal chairwoman tells Senate committee of fear of tsunamis (The Peninsula Daily News 4/15)
Some Coastal Tribes Want Help To Move Out Of Tsunami Zone (OPB News 4/14)

Committee Hearing:
HEARING on S. 636, A bill to provide the Quileute Indian Tribe Tsunami and Flood Protection, and for other purposes; S. 703, the Helping Expedite and Advance Responsible Tribal Homeownership Act of 201l; and S. 546, the Little Shell Tribe of Chippewa Indians Restoration Act of 2011 (April 14, 2011)

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