Indian Law and Order Commission holds first in-person session

The Indian Law and Order Commission is holding its first in-person meeting today in New Mexico.

The commission was created by Congress through the Tribal Law and Order Act. It will make recommendations to improve public safety and justice in Indian Country.

"Safe, strong tribal communities are in everyone’s interests. Tribal citizens – and our neighbors – care deeply about justice systems that work for Indian Country,” said Jefferson Keel, the president of the National Congress of American Indians.

“The members of this Commission represent deep experience in and a passion to address the issues facing tribal communities," Keel added. "As a group, we have the capacity and desire to ensure that the Tribal Law and Order Act is fully implemented, and exceeds expectations.”

The commission has nine members:
Appointed by President Barack Obama:
- Carole E. Goldberg, Professor of Law at University of California, Los Angeles, School of Law, Director, Joint Degree Program in Law and American Indian Studies
- Theresa M. Pouley, Chief Judge of the Tulalip Tribal Court, Associate Justice of the Colville Tribal Court of Appeals, and a member of the Colville Confederated Tribes in Northeast Washington.
- Ted Quasula, General Manager, Grand Canyon Skywalk, member of the Hualapai Tribe in northern Arizona.

Appointed by Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid:
- Jefferson Keel, Lt. Governor of the Chickasaw Nation of Oklahoma and President of the National Congress of American Indians
- Troy Eid, former U.S. Attorney for the District of Colorado

Appointed by Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell:
- Affie Ellis, Assistant Wyoming Attorney General

Appointed by Speaker of the House John Boehner:
- Tom Gede, a principal of Bingham Consulting Group

Appointed by House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi:
- Earl Pomeroy, former U.S. Representative from North Dakota
- Stephanie Herseth Sandlin, former U.S. Representative from South Dakota

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