"Like many Indians and Americans I have been unemployed for way longer than I thought I would be. It really sucks and I am seriously questioning the local employers' sanity. Who doesn't want a brilliant, saucy Diva working for their Tribe? I mean really! I'm gold! I've always been paid far less than males are for the same job and yet I am also expected to serve as a mental health/sympathetic listener/gopher and driver as well.
Yanno what? I don't give a fat rat's hindquarters about your dead father who was a drunken jerk. Mine was too and yet I don't have the compulsion to repeatedly share my sad stories to captive audiences. I showed up to work and perform my job description as expected.
In one of my past jobs I was forced to listen to utterly absurd, schitzo-paranoid fantasies (someone changed her furniture around while she was in the shower and did laundry, too). Wow. Imagine yourself having to share part of your day, never mind an enclosed office, with a person like that. Imagine it and then ask yourself WWRD (What Would Ricey Do?). Quit, like I did. I was very relieved that there were only plastic knives, staple removers and fresh copy paper around that had sharp edges. Arrrgh! Don't get me started! Oops! I already got started.
Sooooo......... I have a few lamentable personal issues of my own (NEWSFLASH!!!) but none of them stress other people out. What I offer in my column is still the same as when I began it over 13 years ago; for more people to become aware of a voice and opinion (mine and like mine) they don't hear much from in mainstream media. I know I'm fortunate to do this and to have made a connection with yooz. Kiss! Kiss!"
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Ricey Wild: It ain't easy being indian
(The Circle 2/11)
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