Yankton Sioux Tribe to build headquarters with Shakopee grant
The Yankton Sioux Tribe of South Dakota will build a temporary headquarters thanks to a $1 million grant from the Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux Community in Minnesota.

The Yankton Sioux Tribe was forced out its building in Marty after flooding in July. The tribe will use $800,000 of the Shakopee grant to move to Wagner on a temporary basis.

"The Shakopee have helped the Yankton Sioux Tribe, and they have helped other tribes that have been caught in dire straits," Vice Chairwoman Karen Archambeau told The Yankton Press & Dakota.

The Shakopees gave $100,000 to the tribe after the July storm.

Get the Story:
Yankton Sioux Receives $1M Grant For Projects (The Yankton Press & Dakotan 10/13)

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Yankton Sioux Tribe forced out of its headquarters due to flooding (7/22)