IHS sends investigator to review concerns at North Dakota clinic
The Indian Health Service is investigating complaints about a clinic on the Crow Creek Sioux Reservation in South Dakota.

Tribal leaders and tribal members say the management at the clinic is a problem. They also have complaints about the services at the facility and pointed to the death of Lisa Owen, who was a patient there, on September 1.

The clinic is part of the Aberdeen Area of the IHS. The Senate Indian Affairs Committee is investigating allegations of mismanagement at the area.

The investigation began in June but Sen. Byron Dorgan (D-North Dakota), the chairman of the committee, said the IHS hasn't been as cooperative as promised. He is threatening to subpoena the agency for documents and other information.

Get the Story:
Complaints abound about Fort Thompson IHS clinic (The Mitchell Daily Republic 9/14)
Investigators to visit IHS clinic (The Mitchell Daily Republic 9/11)

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