Indian woman charged with abuse after son found in apartment
An Indian woman in Albuquerque, New Mexico, has been charged with child abuse after police found her infant son covered in feces in an apartment.

Michelle Charley, 31, was heavily intoxicated when police showed up to the apartment. She had failed to pick up her two children from school on Tuesday.

Charley was previously convicted of child abuse and is on probation. Her mother, who lives in Utah, said she would seek custody of Charley's children.

Charley's tribal affiliation was not reported but the state Child, Youth and Families Department said it would comply with the Indian Child Welfare Act and contact Charley's tribe.

Get the Story:
Baby gagged with used wipe, police say (KRQE-TV 9/1)
Mother's care insufficient; CYFD takes custody (KOB-TV 9/1)
Baby Boy Found Covered in Feces (The Albuquerque Journal 9/1)
Child Found Covered In Dried Feces (KOAT-TV 9/2)