Chief of First Nation cancels election, prompting protest blockade
Members of the Bearspaw First Nation of Alberta are upset with the cancellation of next month's election.

Chief David Bearspaw was due to leave office on December 6. But he plans to remain on board until 2012, prompting band members to set up a blockade to the reserve.

"Us young people, we just want to our voices to be heard," protester Tiffany Lefthand told CBC News.

Bearspaw said he canceled the election in order to clean up the band leadership. He has imposed mandatory drug and alcohol tests for council members.

"I feel it that has to start from the top," Bearspaw told CBC News. "There has to be good leadership, good accountability, good role model."

The Bearspaw First Nation is part of the Stoney Nakoda First Nations.

Get the Story:
Reserve blockaded after chief cancels vote (The National Post 11/2)
Band members block road to Alta. reserve (CBC 10/30)