DOI won't appeal decision over Skull Valley Goshute waste dump
The Obama administration won't appeal a decision over a nuclear waste facility on the Skull Valley Goshute Reservation in Utah.

On July 26, Judge David M. Ebel ruled that the Interior Department acted in an "arbitrary and capricious" manner when it rejected a lease for the facility and a rail line to the reservation. The decision was made during the Bush administration

The Obama administration had until Friday to file a notice of appeal. The deadline passed without comment from the department.

The tribe signed a lease with Private Fuel Storage to store up to 44,000 tons of nuclear waste on a 100-acre site on the 18,000-acre reservation. The waste would be restricted to an 18-acre portion of the site.

Ebel remanded the matter back to Interior for another decision. Politicians in Utah say they will continue to fight against it.

Get the Story:
Interior won’t fight ruling on nuclear site (The Salt Lake Tribune 9/28)

District Court Decision:
Skull Valley Band of Goshute Indians v. DOI (July 26, 2010)

Interior Decision Documents:
Skull Valley Band Nuclear Waste Repository

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