They were actually authorized by the elders of the particular pueblo, of the community, to go ahead and use rock music as a way to preserve the language and to get more of the youth involved in the preservation because there was a fear that the language would disappear.The four band members are actually fishermen from remote villages on the Sea of Cortez. Drummer and band leader Israel Robles envisioned the group as a way of incorporating ancient tales told by his grandparents with punk music he listened to on borrowed cassette tapes. Fifteen years later, the band often tours Mexico and is now recording its second CD. "Through our music," Robles told The World, "we want people to respect our language, our customs, and above everything our land." One way to achieve that is by singing in Seri instead of Spanish. Lead singer Francisco Molina told The World, "The band sings ancient words that are no longer used. They don't exactly know what they say, but they know it's important for the tribe to keep the words alive."" Get the Story:
Punk music preserves indigenous culture (Public Radio International 8/12)