NRDC: Oil spill in Gulf of Mexico threatens tribes in Louisiana

"The Philippe family has called Louisiana's Grand Bayou home for “centuries upon centuries." As part of the Native American Atakapa-Ishak tribe, the family has relied on the land and water around it to survive for generations. It's all they know. But when the Deepwater Horizon rig exploded in the Gulf of Mexico on April 20, tens of millions of gallons of toxic crude have been spewed into the waters that the Philippes rely on to catch fish, shrimp, oysters, and crabs. The family now finds both its livelihood and its legacy threatened by the ongoing crisis."

Get the Story:
Oil disaster threatens an indigenous lifestyle in the Louisiana bayou (Switchboard / National Resources Defense Council 6/2)

Also Today:
Oil spill threatens Native American land (CNN 6/1)
Gulf oil spill threatens tribe's livelihood in Louisiana (The Miami Herald 5/31)

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