"Congratulations to Rodney A. Butler, the chairman-elect of the Mashantucket Pequot Tribe.
A six-year incumbent and current treasurer of the Mashantucket Pequot Tribal Council, Mr. Butler is getting a promotion but also inheriting tremendous responsibilities, including overseeing the Mashantuckets' effort to restructure $2.3 billion in debt.
He will be serving a splintered constituency, with members divided over how to manage tribal business, utilize its assets and conduct its government. And he will be instrumental in the effort to develop a fresh business plan that keeps the tribe's casino-resort enterprise lucrative despite growing competition and continuing economic hard times.
People who know him say Mr. Butler is the perfect Mashantucket to right the tribal ship at this difficult time.
He is described as "intelligent," "thoughtful," "cool under pressure," "honest," and "a good listener," all attributes that will serve the Mashantuckets well. Mr. Butler also gets high marks from local municipal officials who like and respect him, including Nicholas H. Mullane II, the first selectman of North Stonington, where Mr. Butler lives with his wife and two children."
Get the Story:
Editorial: New leader, new era
(The New London Day 11/3)
Also Today:
Butler is seen as strong choice to lead Mashantucket tribe (The New London Day 11/3)
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