"I don't know how long Theresa Halsey has been sending me e-mails, but the last few have included notices of upcoming powwows, news on Indian education in Denver schools, and an announcement for a Wisdom Circle where Native Americans can talk "about the things that matter in our lives."
I read them all, but what I look forward to most are her newsletters: "Congratulations! To Vincent and Redwing Williams-Sheely and family for the birth of their baby girl, Vivian Grace, who is gaining weight and growing! To DU student and former Miss Indian Colorado, Tina Trujillo, for studying at the University of New South Wales in Sydney, Australia, this summer. Congratulations! These are wonderful achievements!
"Happy Birthday to the People Born in August! Karen Artichoker, Keelan Campbell, Jeremy "Chaba" Stiffarm ... and anyone else having an August birthday!
"Happy Birthday to People Born in July! To Tim Giago, Roberta Yazzie and anyone else having a July birthday! I need July birthdays!
"Prayers are Needed! Pray for those that are having surgery or recovering from surgery! Especially Joe Upshaw, Richard Silversmith, Susan Yellow Horse Davis, Sharon Bohnsteadt and Vicci Anderson ... They need your prayers and positive thoughts because it's hard being ill."
One newsletter might have 100 names. It's like being transported to a small town with a newspaper that still reports Jim and Helen Smith went to see their grandkids in Phoenix and Eleanor Robinson is recovering nicely after she tripped on her grandson's dump truck and broke her hip, and the Rotary Club's luncheon speaker is the new dentist in town who is running an introductory special on teeth cleaning — just remember to bring your coupon."
Get the Story:
Tina Griego: "Town crier" connects a community
(The Denver Post 9/1)