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The Senate Indian Affairs Committee held a hearing this afternoon to examine the rise of gang activity in Indian Country. The committee heard from four tribal witnesses. No one from the Obama administration testified. The tribal witnesses cited a rise in gang-related violent crime on their reservations. They said gangs are targeting Indian Country due to inadequate law enforcement and jurisdictional issues. The tribal witnesses asked for more resources to fight crime. Paul Iron Cloud, the chief executive officer of housing for the Oglala Sioux Tribe of South Dakota, said community-oriented solutions have had the most impact on drugs and gangs. The hearing lasted about 80 minutes. Committee Hearing:
OVERSIGHT HEARING to examine the increase of gang activity in Indian country (July 30, 2009) Related Stories:
Puyallup Tribe combats increased gang activity (7/30)
Witness list for Senate hearing on Indian gangs (7/29)
Senate Indian Affairs hearing on gang activity (7/24)