Wilton Rancheria regains federal recognition
Leaders of the Wilton Miwok Rancheria of California announced a settlement that will lead to the tribe's restoration to federal recognition.

The tribe was among dozens in California that were targeted for termination in the 1950s and 1960s. But the Interior Department failed to complete the process in a lawful manner, resulting in the settlement.

"This is a historic day for all of the members of the Wilton Rancheria," said interim co-chair Mary Tarango in a press release. "Today marks the end of a long struggle for justice, and the beginning of an exciting new opportunity to bring unity and prosperity to our people."

The Me-Wuk Indian Community of the Wilton Rancheria filed the lawsuit in 2002. The Wilton Miwok Rancheria later joined the case.

The two groups are being recognized as one tribe though both claim leadership of the tribe.

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Feds restore recognition to Calif. tribe (AP 6/8)

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Wilton Rancheria announces federal restoration (6/5)