Indian Affairs Committee draft of law and order bill
The Senate Indian Affairs Committee released a draft version of the Tribal Law and Order Act of 2009.

Sen. Byron Dorgan (D-North Dakota), the chairman of the committee, and other lawmakers introduced a version of the bill during the 110th Congress. Besides a slew of hearings, no action was taken on the bill.

The draft follows the prior version. It increases law enforcement on reservations, expands tribal court sentencing authority, authorizes an Indian Law and Order Commission and requires reports on crime and declination in Indian Country, one of the more controversial provisions last year due to opposition from the Bush administration.

During his campaign, President Barack Obama vowed to combat crime on reservations. He supports restoration of tribal sovereignty over non-Indian offenders, an issue not addressed in the draft.

Relevant Documents:
Draft: Tribal Law and Order Act (February 2009)