The Interior Department has posted some photos from the White House Tribal Nations Conference. The photos are available on DOI's Flickr page. Related Stories:
President Obama opening remarks at tribal summit (11/6)
President Obama closing remarks at tribal summit (11/6)
President Obama letter at White House conference (11/5)
NCAI president's introduction of President Obama (11/5)
The Native Voice: Tribes look for substance in DC (11/5)
Reznet: Tribes get ready for summit with Obama (11/5)
Reznet: NCAI opens tribal embassy in Washington (11/4)
Hundreds of tribes head to DC for Obama meeting (11/4)
Audio: White House Tribal Nations Conference call (11/3)
The Native Voice: Tribal nations meet for summit (11/3)
Cobell remains hopeful with Obama on trust fund (11/3)
Tribal leaders head to DC for summit with Obama (11/2)
Obama declares Native American Heritage Month (11/2)
NCAI leader hails historic time for Indian Country (11/2)
Schedule: White House Tribal Nations Conference (10/30)
USDA officials to host tribal leaders in Washington (10/30)
HHS Secretary Sebelius to host tribal leaders in DC (10/22)
Labor Secretary Solis to host tribal leaders in DC (10/15)
NCAI to host gala for tribal nations embassy (10/13)
White House announces tribal nations meet (10/12)