Money from the
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 is helping Indian women in Minnesota.
Domestic Abuse Project in Minneapolis received a $76,000 stimulus grant. The money will help pay for the salary of Cindy Lyons, who works with Indian women who have been victimized.
"Hopefully I can stop somebody from going to the hospital," Lyons told the Associated Press. "Maybe they don't have insurance and then there's more money. And you know, maybe the guy's going to go to jail, and he'll get treatment from Domestic Abuse Project. He won't go back to jail."
Most of the cases arise from
Little Earth of United Tribes, an urban Indian housing development. According to the AP, Little Earth accounts for nearly one-third of the city's domestic assault calls.
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Crime victims getting stimulus money amid downturn
(AP 9/28)
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