Bill requires Interior to pay for new trust lands
Sen. Charles Schumer (D-New York) and Rep. Michael Arcuri (D-New York) introduced legislation to require the Interior Department to pay local governments for newly acquired trust lands.

The bill applies to all land taken into trust after October 1, 2008. Interior would have to reimburse local governments for any lost property taxes.

"One of my fundamental concerns is that taking land into trust will deprive local governments of much needed revenue to pay for schools, road maintenance, and other crucial county functions, and that the gap will have to be made up by local taxpayers," Schumer said in a press release. "This bill will ensure that counties are reimbursed for any possible property tax base loss, and provide some measure of protection against these decisions."

The bill contains exemptions for tribes that enter into agreements to reimburse local governments for taxes.

The Senate version is S.1456. It was referred to the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee, not to the Senate Indian Affairs Committee.

The House version is H.R.3208. It was referred to the House Natural Resources Committee.

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Schumer, Arcuri want US to pay taxes lost on land put into trust (The Syracuse Post-Standard 7/15)