• Alaska Region - $6.4 millionAdditionally, the BIA's central office in Washington, D.C., will use $18.04 million for guaranteed loans, workforce training programs, and facilities improvement, repair and maintenance projects. The Office of Facilities, Environmental, and Cultural Resources will receive $3.8 million and the Office of Indian Energy and Economic Development will receive $14.2 million. That brings the total to about $475 million. The remaining $25 million will be used to monitor administrative costs associated with the contracting, awarding, tracking, monitoring, reporting, and oversight of fund expenditures. "These investments will bring lasting improvements to Indian Country by stimulating job creation through the repair and rebuilding of fraying reservation infrastructure, utilizing green design and renewable energy for new and existing homes and schools, correcting health and safety deficiencies in tribal detention facilities, training youth and unskilled workers for lifetime employment, and expanding economic opportunity through loans to Indian businesses,” said George Skibine, the temporary head of the BIA. American Recovery and Reinvestment Act:
• Eastern Region - $10.4 million
• Eastern Oklahoma Region - $1.2 million
• Great Plains Region - $98.2 million
• Midwest Region - $36.6 million
• Navajo Region - $163.8 million
• Northwest Region - $18.3 million
• Pacific Region - $5.1 million
• Rocky Mountain Region - $20 million
• Southern Plains Region - $5.8 million
• Southwest Region - $24.3 million
• Western Region - $66.9 million
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