"The Battle for Whiteclay" will be screened in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, next Tuesday. The documentary follows Frank LaMere, a member of the Winnebago Tribe, and Russell Means, a member of the Oglala Sioux Tribe, as they seek to address liquor sales in the tiny Nebraska town of Whiteclay. Every year, four stores there sell millions of cans of beer to residents of the nearby Pine Ridge Reservation, just across the border in South Dakota. "Whiteclay has made millionaires and has filled tax coffers in the state of Nebraska, and they have been able to export the misery to Pine Ridge and to South Dakota," LaMere told The Sioux Falls Argus Leader. LaMere and other activists say authorities in Nebraska haven't done enough to address liquor law violations and other violations in Whiteclay. They also cite unsolved deaths involving tribal members near Whiteclay. Get the Story:
Film aims to turn up heat on Whiteclay (The Sioux Falls Argus Leader 4/23) Related Stories:
Kevin Abourezk: Screenings for 'Battle for Whiteclay' (4/9)
Editorial: Look within to address Whiteclay liquor (3/5)
Activists to commemorate Whiteclay deaths (3/3)